You could be owed upto £6,600* in PCP Refunds
Use our online tool to find out how many claims you have

*Based on a 2 car family with 6 agreements and the FCA finding the average overpayment being £1,100 on a £10,000 loan over 4 years.
We’ve helped consumers recover funds since 2008.

What are PCP and HP?
Who is eligible to make a claim?
Can I still claim if my PCP/HP Agreement has concluded?
What are the costs involved?
Who is eligible to make a claim?
How much compensation can I expect?
How long will the claim take?
Can I claim for multiple PCP contracts?
Can I cancel my claim?
How Will You Receive Your Payment?
You can claim for free, without using a CMC first to your finance provider or to the FOS/FSCS. Fair is a trading name of Reclaims4U Ltd. Reclaims4U Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN 830181. Registered in England and Wales No. 6651869. Data Protection registration No. Z1480043. Reclaims4U Ltd is a Claims Management Company (CMC).